Business Development
Do you want to enter the Brazilian market, but are unsure how – or have you tried, but not advanced as you wish you had?
- A lack of a clear picture of what is to be achieved when entering the Brazilian market – is it only as a sales channel, is local production desired or is the objective only to say, “We are also in Brazil!”. Each strategy requires a completely different setup!
- Attempting to find a local partner can be rough – finding one that speaks a language other than Portuguese can be very difficult.
- While most companies I have spoken to acknowledge that business conditions change quickly in Brazil, they are amazed at how volatile they really are and how much red tape they need to cut through.
- Foreign companies are surprised at the cost of qualified local staff – senior staff in Brazil can make more than board members at HQ “back home”
- Infrastructure is assumed to be average in Brazil – only to sometimes be abysmal, incredibly underinvested and expensive.
- Getting money in and out of the country requires experience, patience and skill.
- The role of auditors and lawyers is underestimated, and their services underutilized but significantly more important than at home.

"Se juntar a empresas multinacionais tende a gerar benefícios também para empresas Brasileiras. A produtividade de multinacionais é mais elevada, com crescimento e valor de exportações maiores."

Common Incorrect Assumptions about Brazil
- Brazil is not like Italy but warmer. São Paulo and south thereof can be VERY cold in the winter
- While Brazilians and Portuguese fundamentally speak the same language – it is not the same – it is much different than what is spoken between the US and UK – and no: Spanish and Portuguese are not really similar
- Samba and Football are important in Brazil – but Brazil is NOT only samba and football
- Doing business with Brazilians appears to be more laid back and relaxed – beware, this is a façade – but do not underestimate the role of the cafézinho
How I can help
- Help you draft a clear approach and strategy for Brazil
- Together with my network partners (especially in the chemicals industry), conduct a market survey for your ideal market entry
- Interview potential market partners, leaving out the gringo factor
- Physically support you locally when meeting local partners
- Assist you in finding the perfect local back office and enablers (lawyers, auditors, accountants and banks…)
"Através de uma ampla rede de contatos na Alemanha e no Brasil e muitos ano de experiência, posso facilitar o processo de internacionalização da sua empresa."
Business Partners in Brazil
International Flights to Brazil
Years Lived in Brazil
Hours in São Paulo Traffic